movie reel with religious symbols overlaid

98% Recurring Revenue Subscription-Based Movie Clips Provider – 10 Years In Business

This subscription-based online movie clips provider offers curated educational and religious content. With strong relationships with major movie studios and exclusive contracts, it has become an industry leader. The business has been established for over 10 years and boasts a 98% recurring customer rate. There are ample opportunities for growth through marketing expansion, international expansion, and corporate contracts. The company has an extensive library of fully licensed educational clips and sermon materials, making it a valuable resource for academic and religious institutions. With a digital-based model and minimal upkeep, this business is poised for further success.


The company operates on a tiered subscription-based model and requires minimal upkeep. It offers a user-friendly search function and special pricing for public school districts. The current owner spends an average of 30 hours weekly on marketing efforts, weekly email blasts, adding new titles, social media management, and customer support.

As a digital-based business, supply logistics are not applicable.


The business is a marketing pioneer in the promotion and revenue-sharing online model. It curates effective movie clips for educational categories and provides trailers for new titles to subscribers. It has established itself as the top outreach channel for faith-based communities, revolutionizing the market.

The business has room for growth in its sales channel through marketing expansion and stronger ties within religious communities. It can also explore international expansion and corporate contracts for further revenue growth.

The business has a consumer base of 155,292 active users, with 98% repeat customers. It generates over 1,400 unique daily visitors and records 1 million impressions on each banner ad monthly.

The customer base of this business consists of 155,292 active users, with a high repeat customer rate of 98%. The target audience includes educational institutions, religious organizations, and individuals interested in educational and religious content.


The business currently has 1 employee dedicated to marketing and customer support.


The subscription-based online movie clips provider industry caters to consumers’ demand for educational and religious content through curated movie clips. Examples of similar businesses include educational video streaming platforms, bible study resource providers, and online movie clip libraries.


This business has scale opportunities through marketing expansion, international expansion, and development of corporate contracts. It can tap into non-profit organizations, public speaking event streaming, and training programs to reach a wider audience. Additionally, the use of popular movie clips and religious teachings make it a highly marketable product.

Asking Price: $350,000
Gross Income: $141,836
Cash Flow: $84,773
Year Established: 2008
Employees: 1

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