Online Psychic Services

Connecting Users to 230 Psychic Advisors: An Online Psychic Services Website, App, and Telecommunication Platform with 17,000 Current Active User Accounts

Online Psychic Services connects users to over 230 psychic advisors through a state-of-the-art telecommunications platform for over a decade. The services provide emotional comfort, direction, and relationship advice to clients using high-tech advisory experience.


Online Psychic Services provides an advanced technology platform designed to connect consumers of psychic readings to contract providers of that service while generating high profits.

The psychic advisors work remotely and are independent contractors, categorized as entertainers by federal employment laws. The full-time employees are responsible for customer service, social media management, screening of new psychic applicants, payroll management, and quality control and also work remotely.


The company offers various services through its website and app, including daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes, zodiac love compatibility tool, and psychic blogs.

Clients of the site can communicate with their psychic advisors via phone, chat, message and text

The gross income of Online Psychic Services is $2,687,144 with a cash flow of $1,262,657. The company has over 17,000 active user accounts and employs six people. The psychic advisors are paid approximately 25% of services sold, leaving attractive gross margins of 75% or more.

The platform serves more than one million users to date, with over 17,000 active user accounts.


The company employs six people, including full-time customer service employees, remote workers for screening of new psychic applicants and payroll management, a general manager, and a full-time employee in executive oversight.


Psychic reading, dating back to ancient times, has always helped people seeking reassurance and spiritual guidance from psychic advisors. There is evergreen and longevity potential in psychic readings, which will continue to attract a solid segment of society that seeks such services.


The scalability of the platform allows the model to be duplicated in other markets and languages and can be rebranded domestically to increase market share in the US market. Additionally, the platform can be used to launch similar “advice-based” online services.

Asking Price: $5,400,000
Gross Income: $2,687,144
Cash Flow: $1,262,657
Year Established: 2011
Employees: 6

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