fitness conscious woman running on the beach

Reach Your Fitness Goals with this 9 Year Old Mobile App Subscription Service and Ebooks

This is a nutrition, fitness, and wellness mobile app available for Android and iOS users. It has three 12-week, three 6-week programs, pre-and post-partum programs, a 30-day body and running challenge, and other features. The app is designed for those who need weight loss guidance, want access to different recipes, and seek to take care of themselves better. It has a subscription service that includes training programs, flexible dieting options, nutritional data tracking, meal plans, and more.


Nine years ago, this app was launched to help people achieve their fitness, health, and wellness goals. There is a growing demand for online fitness and wellness alternatives, which this app has been able to leverage. The app has faced stiff competition from brick-and-mortar gyms but has managed to hold its own. The fitness industry is growing due to increased awareness about fitness and mental well-being. This app offers different training programs, nutritional data tracking, recipes, and more.

The app’s supply and logistics revolve around maintaining and updating the app’s technical and creative sides. The app sometimes hires contractors for app maintenance, programming, new recipes, eBook design, or quick creative tasks.


The app’s primary means of marketing are social media platforms like Instagram, which has over 130,000 followers, and Facebook. There is also a closed Facebook group through which the app encourages user-generated content and word-of-mouth referrals. The app has also used paid advertising to great effect.

The app is growing its user base by tapping into different social media platforms, influencers, and paid advertising. The app is looking to grow its team by adding more trainers, ambassadors, and a marketing staff to reach more customers.

The app’s key metrics include the number of downloads, subscribers, and revenue. The revenue generation comes from subscriptions, which provide users access to different training and nutrition programs. Revenue from subscriptions comes from weight loss, health and training programs, and more.

The typical customer is a female between 25 and 35 who is often a mother, wants to take care of herself, or needs to lose weight.


The app has two part-time staff members in graphic design, marketing, and customer service. The part-time nature of these employees allows the app to stay flexible in meeting demand. The app does not require any significant special skills to operate.


The fitness and wellness industry is changing due to the growing trend towards online fitness training, wellness alternatives, and different cost structures. This app is positioning itself to serve people who may need guidance with their health and fitness goals. The global pandemic has only pushed more people towards fitness, which is projected to grow.


The app has substantial growth and scaling opportunities, including expanding the social media strategy, paid advertising, influencer marketing, and adding more trainers. The app recently developed a new program to add to its existing services, which new ownership can leverage. Paid social media is the most effective sales channel.

Asking Price: $640,000
Gross Income: $257,228
Cash Flow: $182,894
Year Established: 2014
Employees: 2

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